National Dessert Day today! Calories do not count this Friday, correct? So, make sure to pick up that box of deliciousness you have been thinking about all week or in my case all the cheesecake and Andy’s Frozen Custard to enjoy without guilt! Cash in those kale salad points and reward yourself with some Ooey Gooey goodness. You have all earned a piece of joy this week. Speaking of joy, I thank the Lord for my family and all the fun 5 finds of this week on the Twin Parenthood journey…..
1. Raising twin boys means saying things like, "why is there a cookie in your shoe?" and "why do you find it so funny to fart on mom?"
2. Twins in a hot tub: So nice!! Twins, in a lukewarm bath: TOO HOT Dad!!
3. Twin Parenthood is mostly screaming "What the #$%^!" in your head, but really saying things like "No thank you, I do not wish to hold your booger or your sticky popsicle wrappers."
4. Twin Parents: I really need to be more present with my kids
Also Twin Parents, 2 hours later: That’s enough!!
5. Twins will drain every ounce of patience, energy, and sanity you have and right before you lose it, look at you with their sweet eyes and say, “I love you; Can I have a snack?”
Then you snap out of it and fall in love once again to only have the brutal cycle repeated hourly!! Welcome to raising twins!!