This week has been filled with VBS in the morning with a friend that attends another church. Followed by VBS in the evening at our church. Not only has it been fun seeing you grow in the knowledge of the Lord. It has allowed me to date the wazoo out of your mom this week with free babysitting at church!! What a super week. Speaking of super, the Dawgs are hosting Super Regionals this weekend with a chance to head to Omaha and play in the CWS. The College World Series is on my bucket list. If they win us boys will be road-tripping it up there. Going to be an ample display of Red and Black in the stands as we face the Wolfpack of NC State. Who your grandparents root for (we will not hold that against them). Here is to a Super VBS week and 5 Super Summer Friday Finds.....
1. Unable to buy happiness. But you can buy summer camp. Unable to detect difference??
2. Every time twins wake up from a nap they’re like, “what the &*(^ has happened to everyone and everything I knew prior to daytime sleep?!?”
3. Summer as a Twindad is like being an unpaid cruise director who fields nothing but unsatisfied customer service complaints and food requests!!
4. Twins do not care about your carefully arranged activities or the toys designed by professionals. Twins desire to fling wide the portals of the kitchen cabinetry and make it a temple to Chaos. The children yearn for the rummage!!
5. Asked the twins how they wanted me to cut their sandwiches at lunch yesterday, and both said I don’t care, but Reader, it was a trap!!