There is nothing wrong with being silent, still, reserved. In Ecclesiastes 3:1, the Bible says, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens". After my mom and Gram Gram went to our eternal home this week I feel the need to be still and reserved. Often groth happens as you listen, be still, and allow the Lord to motivate the Holy Spirit. Nonethless, thank you for still yielding 5 Friday Finds.....
Please forgive me I suffer from a form of mild cognitive impairment called "Twin Dadhood."
Went to put milk in my coffee and realized the twins drank it all. They leave me no choice!! Baileys it is.
As a parent I have the skills of a drug smuggler for the good snacks I don’t wanna share with twins!!
I asked the twins why I was having to repeat myself so much and they both said “you don’t have to, you just want to”
Fall with twins and dogs, when you rake as many leaves out of your yard as you sweep out of your house!!