Besides the Cardinals-Blues-Rams being such a great thing that will be passed down to you as Dad is from the Show-Me state. Gooey Butter Cake is absolutely freaking AmAzing!! This day was officially founded in 2019 by Schnuck Markets. According to legend, the treat was invented in the 1930s when a baker from St Louis used far too much butter in his coffee cake batter. After baking, he then sold the gooey cake and received positive feedback. It was a delicious happenstance that has since become a staple of modern cuisine. In St. Louis, Missouri, it has become a custom!! Twin happenstances have become a custom each week that treat your mom and I to 5 funny finds. We thank you and love you.....
1. Everybody wants their kids to go back to school, until they’re stranded on the toilet without toilet paper and no one’s around to grab a new roll!!
2. Dear new neighbor across the street, I am sorry that your first impression of my family was of twins streaking across the front yard!!
3. Take Twin-Boys swimming so they can LOUDLY exclaim that they just peed in the water!!
4. Dad Tip #101:Never tell twins you will make cookies with them if you don't want to answer "WHEN ARE WE MAKING COOKIES??" every minute for 3 days straight!!
5. No one wants your attention more than a kid in the back seat of a vehicle you're driving while you're trying to locate an address.