Maybe the connection is more about how their personalities mesh. I’ve often noticed twins seem to balance or compliment each other. Strangers think my twins will act exactly alike, but actually, they have many pieces of their personalities that are opposite. They seem to almost be each other’s “better half” in their strengths, helping along the one who is weaker in a particular area. Sometimes I like to think of it by using the idea of the perfect old married couple; they have grown together for so long they almost complete each other. Together, they seem to make the perfect person. Twins get to start so much farther along in their growing together adventure because it already starts in the womb. What a gift, to have that type of close personal connection with another person. Some people never find that type of closeness with anyone their whole lives. So when one of my twins is feeling shy in a social setting, his twin brother encourages him to join in. When one is scared to try part of the playground, the stunt-brother twin goes first to show him how it’s done. One twin will eat anything and tells his twin to try it or not, and the other twins trusts that advice to a T! It seems like this list just keeps getting longer as the boys grow, morph, and transform from toddlers to kids!! Thank you for the 5 Mighty Morphin Finds this week that you shared with me as your TwinDad.....
1. Twin math is setting the clocks back one hour but waking your parents up 2.5 hours earlier than normal!!
2. Since the time change, the hours between getting up for school and being able to drop the twins off at school is exactly 87 hours!!
3. Raising Twin boys is wanting to know why a pair of tweezers is stuck with toothpaste and hair gel onto a bottle of toilet bowl cleaner, yet, being too tired to ask??
4. My wife was trying to tell me a quick story yesterday and after the umpteenth time our kids interrupted her she said, “Nevermind, maybe we can talk again when they’re grown up,” and that about sums up being married with twins!!
5. The twins are currently using chopsticks to eat Cheetos so they do not get Cheeto dust on their fingers and can we just fast track their application to Yale now??