Famed detective duo?? Sound familiar?? From the beginning philosophers have been fascinated with friends — what is a friend, how and why do we qualify a friend? The Greek philosopher Aristotle writes “Without friends, no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods." Aristotle argued that not only is friendship noble and good, in and of itself, but it is good for us. According to Aristotle, friends help us protect our prosperity, and if we are poor, we can take refuge with our friends. When we’re young, our friends keep us from making mistakes (obviously not always true as Aristotle himself was to discover), and in our old age, friends help us with the limitations of declining health (unless they predecease us). In our prime, friends spur us on to become better — better people as well as better at what we do. Just is the case with Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Best friends who compliment one another. Just like the two of you. Both of you compliment one another in life through various ways. It is a pleasure to see it up close. My advice is to choose your friends wisely. Ensure they lift you up and push you toward making Godly choices. Never sacrifice your integrity or character to look cool or gain any other persons approval. Stay true to your identity in Jesus Christ. Through this week's investigations together you provided yet again 5 lively finds this week.....
1. If you don't think kids could possibly tell the difference between cookie sizes down to millimeters, and that they wouldn't fight over which sibling got the smaller cookie by a single millimeter, you're just not ready for twins!!
2. You think your twins are growing up and maturing some, then you have to say something like, “stop mooning your brother, please!!”
3. Me: goodnight boys, stop procrastinating and get in bed
Twin A: what’s procrastinating?
Me: stalling
Twin B: what’s stalling?
Me: it’s when you—oh you both are good
4. “I like mommy’s jeep better” -Twins in the backseat of my truck having to use a Lowe’s receipt to wipe their noses since everything in GA is now the color yellow from pollen!!
5. Today's breakfast: I'll have an order of a missing shoe, with a side of twin tantrum because his sibling won't stop staring at him!!