Happy Friday! Opening weekend of Baseball! Or the Grand Poohbah! Across America in small towns and big cities the grind of a long season is upon many of us. Be blessed by humor brought to you by some fun twins who would make a great Promotion & Marketing duo!!
1. If you’re wondering if twin parenting is for you, I just heard a voice say, “howdy partner!” and turned around to see a twin wearing a toilet seat on his head like a cowboy hat to the other twin!! How did that happen in 2.2 after I turned my back??
2. Some days parenting is the most rewarding endeavor. Some days parenting is hard because one twin has decided they’re a dog and will only respond to you if you pretend they’re a dog. The other wants to be a space ranger and will only respond to you by walkie talkie. So yeah!
3. It's time to play "Are the twins hugging me or cleaning their runny noses or Both?"
4. My bad, the first pitch was delayed, the twins were playing with balloons, and we couldn’t let them hit the floor!!
5. Somethings are just certain like death, taxes, hot dogs tasting better while watching baseball Oh and twins waking up at 4am, being hungry 24/7, and my brother won’t stop touching me. You get the drift!!