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Writer's pictureMark Warren

5 Friday Finds!!!!! Gobble & Wobble!!

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Yesterday we were able to be home, enjoy our traditions, gobble yummy food with beloved friends, watch football, and now wobble into a relaxing Friday morning filled with snuggles. Thanksgiving is one of our favorite days of the year. Waking up getting a workout, cooking as a family, putting up Christmas, watching football and most of all not being around any tension drama, or other people's schedules. It is important to have recharge days as a family and beginning Wednesday afternoon through today has served us a good slice of recharge. Thank you for all the kind messages, cards sent, and calls. May these 5 Friday Finds be worthy of gobbling and wobbling up some smiles.....

  1. You can have twins or you can always know where a pen and sticky notes are….But you CAN’T have BOTH!!

  2. Saw a toddler running past our house this week waiving a turkey flag with a mom chasing after them and I’ve never seen a more accurate depiction of a Turkey Trot or parenthood before!!

  3. Thanksgiving and twins boys: The best part of the meal lick butter off the rolls while simultaneously feeding everything else to the dog!!

  4. You want to know what goes well with planning a Thanksgiving meal for 15 people and Twins……Bourbon!!

  5. The best part of eating for 5 hours straight and then getting back home is when Twins ask what we are having for dinner!!

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