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Writer's pictureMark Warren

5 Friday Finds!!!!! Gnarly!!

National Get Gnarly Day is celebrated on the last Friday of every July!! Gnarly can be positive having a special meaning, like something exciting too. National Gnarly Day is an opportunity to bring in new ideas, try doing fun things in new ways, and toss out the old ideas!! In 2016, the Whirlpool Corporation started a campaign to put 'gNARliness' in everything they did. They wanted to encourage their employees to feel good about satisfying customers and reaching their goals. This was the start of this day. Boys never be afraid to try something new and do not get caught standing on the sideline. Get in the action, be confident, and always remember "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Thank you for the following 5 enlightening finds this week.....

  1. The twins charged like $320 buying movies and shows on Amazon Prime. So now they will be watching that content until they go to college!!

  2. One of the Twins won an argument with his brother by saying “I’m just going to agree with myself” You go kid!!

  3. I don't know who needs to hear this, but if your 4yo twins walk by a room lugging a step stool devising a plan, quietly sneak behind just to see the creativity!! But stop I mean STOP the madness before it ensues!!

  4. The worst part about being a Twin-Dad is when one of them farts and you must pretend it wasn't cool!!

  5. No better negotiator exists than a kid who doesn’t want to go to sleep!!

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