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Writer's pictureMark Warren

5 Friday Finds!!!!! Double Deuce!!

Happy New Year to everyone!! Each year with all of our loved ones is the best year yet. Thank you for a wonderful 2021. As 2022 rolls in it presents itself as a new batch of opportunities. Our household is not big on resolutions as we always strive to get better each day. Instead of resolutions I challenge everyone especially my boys as they get older each day to try new things, tackle new challenges, make new friends, learn new things, taste new foods, travel to unfamiliar places, and face your fears all the while ensuring that you water the strong relationships currently in place. Life isn’t made to live in just one place or to only make a few friends. Life may have pain from loss or strife from stress, but honestly it is not truly hard if you realize it’s all about being authentic, genuine, and staying tied to relationships that make life sweet. Just remember the most important relationship is with our Lord and savior who will give you peace and happiness when life does get turbulent. Hopefully the following 5 Friday Finds are as sweet to you as they were to us as parents…..

1. Come tomorrow: Happy New Year, parents! I know you're well-rested because you drank two glasses of wine and went to bed at 10:00pm last night. Don't lie!!

2.. My parenting style today could best be described as, "Go ahead, who cares? It’s New Year's Eve."

3... This year I learned that Twinhood is a journey. That journey primarily consists of traveling from room to room yelling pick up your %^&* NONSTOP!!

4....It’s much easier to find Waldo than all of the 1 trillion little toy pieces that make up something eventually that everyone bought this Christmas and I have officially lost my %^&* a trillion times already this new year over the wailing of twins not finding said piece!! Christmas 2022 is already cancelled until all you %^&*&(*)()**&^ figure out how to buy toys correctly.

5..... Charlotte and I realized this year that if you want to see a glimpse of our Christmas Holidays just watch Four Christmases with Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon. Except we must travel 3 states, are already married and our code word is Twins!!

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