One thing is for sure when raising two humans at the same time: copy and paste to meet both of their needs is not the answer. They are completely two different people who respond to everything from physical touch to discipline in vastly different ways. For the most part reality is there is no answer, but lots of answers!! There is a TON of advice on how to parent, but I don't think enough of it is honest in the way that it's very environmental, every kid is different, and it happens to changes every single day. One twin is the outgoing one day while the other is reserved. Then boom, it flips in 24 hours!! The next day one will eat anything in front of him while the other won't touch anything but chicken tenders and fries. Oh wait, boom, it flips again in 24 hours!! One twin wakes up and you are the coolest thing in the world, in the meantime, the other twin only wants mom or dad and the other parent is a scrub. Whabam, then it flips in 24 hours in the other direction!! If only you could copy and paste parenting to an exact science. However, what fun would it be if it were that easy?? At least they plaster 5 funny finds into the weekly journey of being a twindad.....
1. I’ve never met a better negotiator than a 5-year-old who only wants dessert for dinner!!
2. Twins come in two settings: adorable angels or raging raccoons!!
3. Someday, God willing, I will attend the weddings of twins, refuse to eat what they serve only to demand nuggets and mac "n" cheese while complaining about how long the food took to be served and the outfit I have to wear!!
4. When I became a dad, I was prepared for the inevitable tantrums over no cookies at dinner or time to leave the park or no we are not buying that toy; I was not, however, prepared for the 5-minute tantrum because twins forgot how to close their eyes at bedtime!!
5. Grocery shopping without twins is basically like going on a vacation in Bora Bora!!