Last home game until next football season. This makes me sad. In teh south we live for the seeing the people we love to eat, drink, cheer, scream, and ride the emotional roller coaster with as we root for our Catamounts!! For our family it is utter joy to travel from one unique college town to another. The twins love checking in at hotels to support what they have coined "Go Cats" players and coaches. The fans-the rivalries- the trophies-the short skits about the weekend outcomes-the comraderies- the work that actually goes into getting gameday ready I honestly revel in. Some people only want to be synonymous with the outcome or take credit in the spotlight. But the entire process to succeed is what I enjoy. Sports Administration is not for the faint of heart. Needless to say each year is always sad when it is time to close the curtains on homestands this year. Most of all it is due to the people it brings into your life weekly. Catamount fans we truly are family. Thank you for accepting Charlotte and the boys as family, thank you for the Paws Porch memories, the Catamount Corner talks, GA Tech weekend, John City weekend and food, homecoming in the Whee is second to none, thank you for being a member of our Catamount Club family. I know we will still see one another and we move to focus on basketball. But these Saturdays are special. Hopefully, you enjoy the following 5 Twin Finds this week that bring a smile to my face like you do to mine as Catamount Fans.....
1. Sometimes the twins surprise me with maturity and other times they get mad at me for my socks riding too high on their legs??!!
2. The hardest part of parenting twins, you find out eventually, is that twins need supervised constantly. Like one can’t supervise the other and vice versa. For sure thought maybe they could babysit one another. Nope!!
3. Charlotte: It’s so weird that the kids didn’t get any Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups or Snickers for Halloween.
Me: *wipes the chocolate from my mouth* So weird!!
4. Ever had a job where you had no experience, no training, you weren’t allowed to quit and people’s lives were at stake?? That’s Twinhood!!
5. What I say: Be ready, we are leaving in five minutes family!!!
What the wife & twins hear: Get undressed. Take 5 more options out of the closet. Start finger painting. Lose at least one shoe!!!