Today marks the 7th week of pandemic. My pandemic is starting to be sanity. Finally, a day where I do not have to work, watch kids, and complete stuff for classes. Therefore, I am posting early so that a drink can be in my hand and my toes in the sand. Good luck to my wife, she is off work and for six weeks dodged "babysitting" duty. After this the beach house yard-work will be done and I will be sporting merry smiles by 1 p.m.! OK OK, I say this, but the mornings normally scare me of acting like I am in college again. Kids wake up at the crack of dawn with dad duties, these do not mix well with libations if you know what I mean??!! Wait what is that? The sound of my mother-n-law? Epiphany, in-laws are useful! You have kid duty in the morning, now my wife and I can have fun and sleep-in. Trust me they buy-in, not for our pleasure, but for what is best for the grand-kids. Parents in the pandemic know what I am talking about. Without further adieu here are 5 Friday Findings from this dad.
1. The best iced coffee recipe:
Have kids, make coffee, forget you made coffee, drink coffee cold!
2. Remember this is the only time you can tell your kids the park is actually closed and not be lying. Be wise!
3. Whoever said that days are long but years are short did not live during a pandemic:
Parents everywhere: Just enjoy the time with your kids.
Me: I am, believe me. However, I'm tired and need a vacation, not that I hate my children.
Parents: judgmental eye-roll.
Me: I’m allowed to have feelings @#$% it! Forget it, someone pour me a drink. Gees people.
4. Bucket List 2011 vs 2020.
visit Rome (check)
pay off my car (check)
watch the cardinals win the world series (check)
Go back to work like normal and kids to the nannies
Watch any sport live
Dine at a restaurant and even pay $5.99 for a kid’s meal that would cost 1 dollar to make.
(currently waiting on all)
5. I retired from sports 2 years ago ( in case you didn’t know)
Yet, as Toby Keith says "I’m as good once, as I ever was." Especially when I see my twins holding a sharpie. Whoa, my speed and agility is still on point.
