What are you thankful for, at this very moment? Food, football, friends and fun? Perhaps. Is that enough? Giving thanks and being thankful—that’s what yesterday is dedicated to each year., especially with mixed reviews of the history involving Thanksgiving. I’m especially thankful for my family, those present and those gone before me, for infusing a spirit of gratitude for each day, gift of love and time shared with people in my life. The best gift of all to give this season is–your time. It’s priceless, cherished, and irreplaceable. Take a few minutes out of a fast paced life and reflect on thankfulness not just for one day but do it consistently over time. Charlotte and I do this daily with the boys. It might stem from Dad growing up in poverty and through hard work moving up multiple socioeconomic classes or most likely through our faith that centers on being thankful consistently through all seasons. Nevertheless, we are thankful for the 5 funny finds from this Thanksgiving week.....
1. Liquid Band-aid is the Frank’s red hot of parenting twin boys!!
2. “Just went grocery shopping yesterday and the food is already gone” -a Twin Dad memoir
3. Told the twins at the store that they needed to stop fighting or I was going to buy a huge candy bar and eat it in front of them.. Problem solved!!
4. Give dad a cup of rice, feed him for a day. Give twins a cup of rice, step on it for a week.
5. I’ve stopped getting annoyed when the twins *don’t* finish a certain food and started getting annoyed when they do. Like I wanted the rest of your mac & cheese you chumps!!
“ I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” Phil 4:11-12
