1. Twinnado: The art of my 2 sons’ chaos, non-stop talking, and ability to pull out every ball or toy in a room causing clutter and or destruction. I would not have it any other way.
2. Everyone knows the “don’t stick your finger in the light socket.” Myth or not? My twins have stuck everything under the sun in them from body parts to toys and possibly a dog tail. All seems to be fine. Parents try it out!
3. The sugar Myth or NOT? We keep no juice in the house for kids. They drink water, milk, and “Jesus Juice” aka Chik-fil-a diet lemonade. However, the twins do have occasionally donut Friday with the nannies and dad tries to make guest appearances like today! The twins ate around 2 big-boy donuts and 10,000 donut holes. They still wanted naps and went to bed at a normal time. Disclaimer: the twins ran around 3.4 miles at the park chasing girls. However, there seemed to be no hyperness caused by sugar.
4. Speaking of chasing girls. We had a lovely end of the summer vacation at the beach. While walking on the beach the last morning before we headed home the boys decided to stop in front of 4 beautiful females. They both decided to wave, smile, chuckle, dance, and not leave. I just tried to grab my wife’s hand and act like we had 4 babysitters. Bye! Be back later ladies!
5. Myth or NOT? Terrible 2. The twins age is so fun. They are vocal, energetic, clean up the Twinnado messes themselves, ready to learn, and the list goes on. That does not mean there are no trying times. It just means the good outweighs the frustrating. Therefore, myth busted! It is all about the mindset…. Terrific 2’s!!!
Have a great weekend! Remember feed positivity, growth, and strength into your mind and thoughts! Hopefully this made at least 1 person smile!