1. I feel like a lot of things would go different for the twins if both would just stop, collaborate, and listen!!
2. Welcome to Twinhood where it takes five days to pack for a weekend trip!!
3. What weird thing did you recently say to your children?
Mine today: please stop pretending to be the adult while wagging your finger "no" like Mutumbo at people and tell me why there’s a half-eaten piece of bread in your shoe??
4. The twins take snacks with them to the bathroom and it is tear-jerking that they have mastered life at such a young age!!
5. You can always tell if a toy was designed by someone with no kids: Off switch doesn’t exist = No kids, 1 super loud volume and no other setting = No kids. As fragile as a delicate vase = No kids!!
We have approached the stage where one twin will fall asleep while the other stays awake at nap-time and at bedtime. Yet, we are grateful that being great brothers, the one twin will play quietly or just snuggle up with his Brudder until peaceful sleep ensues.