Tinsel, pine, cookies, candles, and wine! There's something so right about Christmas Delights!! Hopefully these 5 highlights from our week will make your Friday delightful!!!!!
1. Sorry, wife and twins, but Santa clearly said you can only ask for gifts that are Amazon Prime eligible!!
2. Trying “No More Tangles” shampoo on Christmas lights does not work, trust me!!
3. Dear Santa,
All we want for Christmas is a DATE NIGHT or DATE DAY
The Warren Adults
4. If you’re looking for Christmas gift ideas for the twins, PreK and daycare comes at a price of $985 x 2 a month and a typical babysitter runs $10-15 an hour!!
5. I will apologize now. Your father has multiple superpowers. One of them is an uncanny ability to not get attached to items or objects. Therefore, have zero fears of ever having a tacky Christmas tree with ornaments that do not match or have been collected through multiple decades. If your mom desires to display all your Christmases through the year she will be allotted space in a far corner of the basement. Otherwise, the memories and heartful moments through the years get stored in the mind and heart. The other stuff just collects dust. We will hold on to the objects in a box and send it with you once you move out. Good Riddance!!