On February 19, 1913 the 1st prize was inserted into a Cracker Jack box. They really should come out with a box that has 2 prizes to honor TWINSHIP!! In addition, on this date in 1968 "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood" debuted on NET (now PBS).
This week I taught the twins about taxes and interest by eating 50% of their ice-cream!!
Argued this week with the twins about why pants are indeed necessary. It ended with all 3 of us in underwear watching sports-center and eating breakfast!!
Realized this week the twins sure make a lot of plans for being young people who can’t drive themselves anywhere!!
Want to know what having twins is all about? Hey, parents of an only child, I just split an M&M in half. In half and they both examined it to make sure it was equal parts!!
When you have twins you get to say things like,” We won't be planning any trip to the grand canyon soon because you will throw your brother over.”
It is important that as a father I continue exercising the truth that my identity in Christ is greater than my identity in sports (sports consumes a big portion of my life as an AD/Coach) by pursuing Jesus and the calling that he has on my life for all seasons. My prayer is that myself and other administrators, coaches, and athletes will move to a position of confidence because of pursuing Jesus Christ and not self-talent. As followers of Jesus, we are called to walk (live and move) with Him, our spouse, kids, and those who he has placed under our influence. For me, that is coaches, athletes, volunteers, staff and ministry partners. Boys give your worries to Christ and place your strength, trust, and desires in him.
We are called to walk with Jesus by faith and not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
“Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.” 1 Timothy 6:11
