Quick read, our toes are in the sand!! Enjoy 4th of July and hopefully you crack a smile reading the 5 finds!!!!!
1. Upon seeing a water fountain the twins declared, “ That is a big water mountain.” From this point forth all water fountains shall be called water mountains!!
2. My wife and twins never have any intentions of sharing covers with me while at the beach when we share our bed. Yet, all three of them have the audacity to ask for help making the bed each morning!!
3. Mom was singing frozen in the car on our trip and both boys told her to please stop crying. If that doesn’t tell you her lack of singing skills I don’t know what does??
4. I don’t need therapy because I found that relaxing on a beach by myself with a drink is the key. LOL, I have a wife and twins no chance that happens!!
5. We have been at the beach this week and mom has not ordered anything from Amazon, so on our camera at home the UPS and Amazon delivery drivers keep knocking on our door to see if we are ok!!